What is the scope of the renovation project?

The project will renovate our 200-year-old library building, preserve the historic interior, make necessary repairs to the exterior, and add a 1300 square foot addition. The project includes a bathroom, children’s space, and upgraded technology. Tables and seating areas will accommodate places to read, work on computers and chat with friends. There will also be space for meetings and community get togethers. We have paid special attention to ensuring that the renovated building and addition are flood resilient, and the building design will be compatible with Weston Village.

The original library building sits on a tiny parcel of land, so in 2021 the Friends of the Weston Community – a local non-profit – purchased the land between the library and the river, allowing for septic and the making room for the expansion. Friends is turning the parcel over to the Town for the exclusive use of the library. The building and adjacent parking will be ADA compliant.

What architecture firm has the library chosen for the project?

The library has selected Foster Architecture of Weston, Vermont to lead the library’s expansion project. Ryan Foster is the principal architect in the firm. The choice was made by the library’s Board of Trustees after reviewing proposals received for 7 firms throughout Vermont. Deborah Granquist, Chair of the Library Board of Trustees, said, “Through a series of interviews and visits, Ryan Foster’s firm’s experience and technical expertise made them our first choice and we are delighted. The fact that Ryan grew up in Weston and loved using the library as a child is an added plus.”

What is the construction timeline?

The project is through conceptual design and construction drawings are being developed. The project will be put out to bid later in 2024 or early 2025, with completion expected in late 2025 or early 2026.

How will Library services be impacted during renovation?

The library building will be closed during construction and we are looking for an alternate location for modified library services. We hope to be able to continue with our same hours allowing folks to check out books, DVDs and more, but the hours will depend on what location we are able to secure. There will be staff available at the temporary location to provide reading services to children, teens and adults, and curbside pickup and delivery will be available. We will offer a selection of programs in person at various locations in the community, and we plan to continue Weston Pop-Up University in the Spring of 2025.

Why is this project necessary?

The building envelope of the existing library is 200 years old. Little has been done since 1909 when the Parkhurst family renovated the old building into a library for the Weston community. The building needs a new roof, windows, insulation, new heating system, and extensive repairs to its brick exterior. These repairs, upgrades and necessities are all part of our project. If these are not done, the building will not be functional within 3 or more years and will be at significant risk of closing. Also, there is no rest room, and much of the interior of the current building is not ADA accessible. In addition to the work on the existing building, the project includes 1300 square feet of new space which will give us breathing room, gathering space, ADA accessibility and a bathroom. There will also be some more parking and we have plans for a park along the West River.

Has the Weston community been involved in the project?

Community involvement is very important to the project. The Library began the project by asking what our community wanted in their “library of the future.” We held three community meetings attended by nearly 100 people, and distributed a survey to which 170 individuals and families responded. From this excellent response in a town of only 623 residents, we distilled the community’s priorities: community gathering space, ADA accessibility, access to technology, more programming, a bathroom, some parking, and improved access to the internet for work, education and health monitoring. After the flooding last summer, we added flood resiliency to this list of priorities.

More than 30 community volunteers are serving on three Project committees (Design & Build, Capital Campaign and Oversight Committee). The committees have been working on the project for over a year. Our architect Ryan Foster has a keen sense of community needs as a life-long resident of Weston and user of the library with his family. Conceptual plans were displayed and discussed at Town Meeting in March 2024, and at two other community input meetings in March to get ideas about the kinds of programs and services desired in the new space. The meetings were attended by 80+ persons providing input about the project. Also, we have received several letters of support from community organizations.

Will the renovation improve accessibility, HVAC, hazard mitigation and safety?

The project contemplates adding additional on-site parking spaces for the Library including 2 new ADA spaces. Upon project completion, the current and new building will meet minimum ADA standards throughout and will be easily accessed by all. The new ADA main entrance will be accessed by a ramp from a new ADA parking area. The children’s area will be accessible and a wheelchair lift will facilitate access to all levels, including the ADA compliant bathroom. All areas will be easily navigated by all people, including persons in wheelchairs.

The project includes a lift, ramp, restroom, upgrades to the existing original building envelope including roof, windows and exterior bricks, installing a new HVAC system, all new electrical and safety systems and advanced technology for video conferencing. The project design increases the flood resilience of the library. A generator will allow the library to be open during power loss.

When the project is complete, will people with physical disabilities be able to enter the library building and use the internet and other resources?

There will be a new ADA entrance accessed from ADA parking spaces. Once in the building, all space will be ADA accessible, including the bathroom. There will be a wheelchair lift that allows disabled individuals to have full access to all spaces and public computing resources and internet on both the main floor and lower level. The design includes details like special doors and window glass safe for people with vision impairment and state of the art technology will assist people with hearing impairment.

Who owns the project site?

The project site is comprised of two parcels, The Town of Weston owns the land and existing library building. The adjacent half acre is owned by Friends of the Weston Community, Inc. a 501(c)3 organization. The Friends bought the parcel in 2021, when it came up for sale and neither the Town nor the Library had sufficient funds to buy it. FOWC is transferring ownership of the half-acre to the Town of Weston for the exclusive use of the library.

Will the library be more resilient to climate emergencies including floods and other extreme weather events?

The library is located next to the West River in the village of Weston. The library largely escaped damage from Irene and the flood of July 2023, but we know that floods will be part of the future of the town. Several features of the project will provide greater resiliency:
a) The expansion with no basement will be raised 4.5 feet above the designated flood level.
b) A berm along the front of the building facing the river will provide protection for the foundation.
c) The basement and foundation of the current building will be renovated and reinforced against flooding.
d) The landscaping around the building and the parkland in the adjacent parcel will provide flood resilience through naturalized features and vegetation.

We have also anticipated other weather emergencies such as wind and ice storms that can interrupt power to the Town. The project includes a generator sufficient in size to power the entire building, enabling the library to serve as an emergency shelter for residents.